Thursday, August 2, 2007

Tetris and the Reds

The original Tetris was a truly Soviet game, i would say maybe even propaganda. Just humour me and lets look at the basics first, like the turnip-shaped towers that look very much like the Kremlin and other old Russian architecture and lets not forget the Slavic music that was so catchy you would be humming it at school/work/where ever so you would be constantly thinking of the game and the other more subtle communist ideals imbedded in the game.

Lets have a look at the more subtle communist ideals now shall we? for example:

1. Tetris like communism has you chasing goals, which are, in the long run, meaningless. Tetris has you chasing points, high scores, etc... which have little to no bearing on real life. So just like the game Communism has you working for the betterment of the whole, the betterment of the state, or the betterment of society, all of which have little to no bearing on you as a person in real life. Not only that, the most basic idea of the game was to get all your blocks "level" with no "gaps" in order to create a new and "faster" level.Now lets look at that in relation to being communist! in communism we would try to make every one the "same and equal", every one is "level"? with no one person going there "own way" or no "gaps" in society if you will. Now in theory if every one works in unison we would have a far more "productive" society, the same as being "faster" yes?

2. Tetris, like communism, demands that you place your faith in a higher, uncontrollable authority. In Tetris, this is the computer/game that gives you the random assortment of blocks. You keep playing, with the thought that the game will give you the blocks needed to win, or at least continue playing until you lose. Communist governments demand the same sort of infallible trust in authority. "The government will take care of you, trust in the government...". Also weather or not it was planed Tetris has a massive following and some people would become almost hypnotised by the game and followed it for hours if not days on end, now if we extend that idea to communism... people would work for hours if not days on end, and there is actually cases of people working them self to absolute exhaustion which leads me not my next point...

3. Tetris, like communism, demands that you continue doing what you are doing, regardless of the extraneous circumstances. In Tetris, you are expected to keep playing, building up the blocks and fitting them into place, regardless of how fast the game goes or how high the blocks get. In a communist society, you are expected to work, regardless of how poor, how hungry, how hard life may be at the time. You are expected to keep going to make the system work even if this meant you needed to push your self to the point of death

and, of course, there is the missile that launches off the platform next to the Kremlin when you get a high score after you lose... the higher the score, the bigger the missile.

Not to mention there is always the fact that Alexey Pazhitnov, a computer programmer from Moscow, created Tetris in 1985 but as the Soviet Union was Communist and all, the state owned the game and any rights to it. So only Alexey knows if the game was changed from the one he originally created.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm hooked on Tetris again and it's all your fault!! Jane